Design and development process
The R&Ddepartment organizes the “new product development application” project of relevant departments to review or evaluate the feasibility->The R&D department prepares the”New Product Design and Development Plan”according to the new product development application,contract/order,technical agreement,etc.after review->The R&D department carries out design and development work according to the design and development input data and the “new product design and development plan”,and formulates corresponding design and development output documents(such as drawings,BOMs,process/technical documents,acceptancecriteria,enterprise standards,etc. )
Design and development output
1.Meet the requirements of design and development inpu
2.Reference or include product acceptance requirements.
3.Providing technical information for procurement,production and services.
4.Specify the product characteristics required for the safe and normaluse of the product.
Design process control
After the design and development output documents are approved,they are issued in accordance with the Document Control Procedure.The R&D department tests the prototype samples to verify that their performance indicators meet the specified requirements->The verification results and any necessary measures shall be recorded in the Design Development Verification Form and kept.
Design and development validation
1.TheR&D department confirms the results of the verification of prototype samples according to the design and development input requirements to ensure that the product can meet the specified use requirements or intended use.
2.The design and development fonfirmation method generally adopts product company level identification,and if necessary,the sample is submitted to the customer or a third-party certification body for confirmation.
Design and develop training
1.Before design and development finalization,small batch trial production should be carried out to verify the producibility,verifiability,m